Thursday, October 09, 2008

Alive, Well & Busy

I am alive, I am still up to my old ways and yes, I will keep my eye on my blog until I have time to post new content which will hopefully be soon, but take a peek in at my life at the moment...

Proof that all is well in la petite Land. :)

The run-down on my life is this: I'm moving in two weeks, Im switching schools and majors, transferring in my job, working full time, volunteering part time & keeping my family tied precariously together all at once. Did I mention I'm in a beautiful new relationship? More on that later.

In all of this I am so full of joy and light though that the struggles seem small compared to all the possibility and fulfillment that will stem from it all. I miss my blog, I miss my reviews and I miss my readers (and reading all my fav blogs too!) but never fear, super-chick will soon be back and I assure you that it will all be very worth it in the end.

Kisses xoxo.



Anonymous said...

Phew! Glad to see you're keeping busy with work and, especially, play.

Very provocative picture. I look forward to hearing more!

LadyP x

Sabrina Morgan said...

Fall is always the time for complete change, isn't it?

Glad life's taking you in such lovely directions. I'll be looking forward to your return!

la petite dévergondée said...

Yeah doesn't it just?

That's so funny now that you bring it up. :)

How's life, beautiful? Seeing any change in your life?

♥la petite

Anonymous said...

Indeed! It would appear you're doing quite well there. I confess I'm a little jealous.

Also, I tagged you.

Anonymous said...

Well well well......